5 Tips To Lose Weight After The Holidays by FitDoc

Hello, #FitTribe! I’m Dr. Cedrina, a board-certified preventive medicine physician, health and wellness expert and fitness pro. Through my wellness programs, I help women lose weight so they can improve their health, transform their lives and become the best version of themselves. Because so many people gain weight during the holidays, the perfect time to begin your journey to lose weight is after the holidays.

The holiday season ends, and you can’t help but notice that your clothes fit a lot tighter than they did a couple of months ago. Like a lot of people, your first instinct might be to join in on the latest diet craze or buy the next “lose weight fast” product that comes across your Instagram timeline. Well, don’t panic. Instead, take a few minutes to read this article because these tips will help you reverse the damage done by your holiday food fiasco.

Preparation Is Key

There’s truth in the expression, “failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” In order to stick to a healthy diet, you must plan ahead. Prepare a weekly meal plan and make a grocery list of everything you’ll need. Once the plan is set, stick to it. It’s much easier to stay on track when you already know what you’re going to eat for the day. Not having healthy food readily available increases the likelihood that you will grab something quick, which often will be a lot less healthy.

Make Smart Carb Choices

When you want to slim down, paying attention to the amount and types of carbs you eat is very important. The average American diet is very carb heavy. This type of diet is great for a person who is highly active, but for the average person, it usually is way more than needed. Carbs are the primary source of energy for your body. When you consume more than you need, your body ends up storing the excess energy as fat. About a quarter of your plate should be grains. In addition to fat storage, consuming large amounts of carbs will increase water retention. Water retention not only adds water weight, but it causes bloating and puffiness too. Limiting your carb intake appropriately will make your body appear slimmer and tighter. Be smart about the types of carbs you consume. Aim for mostly whole grain foods. Limit refined and processed grains and sugary foods. Whole grain foods digest slower which keeps you feeling full longer and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. This aids in weight loss.

Keep Your Protein Lean

While the average American eats an adequate amount of protein per day, the American diet favors fatty sources of protein. Eating protein is key to increasing your metabolism and promoting weight loss. But, if your diet is high in fatty sources of protein, you may actually be promoting weight gain instead. Aim for lean sources of protein. These include skinless chicken or turkey, fish, seafood, lean meats, nonfat or low-fat dairy products, tofu and other soy products.

Don’t Forget Your Fruits And Veggies

Besides providing several important vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber. Fiber helps with digestion and keeps you feeling full longer. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat. Including them as part of your diet will make your meals more filling without adding a bunch of extra calories. When choosing fruits and vegetables, eat a variety of colors. Be careful not to overdo it with starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn. These have higher amounts of carbs, and therefore, more calories.

Be Active

Yes, diet is responsible for the majority of weight loss. However, you can’t neglect exercise. The more active you are, the more calories you burn. Also, exercise helps to boost your metabolism. In other words, exercise makes your body more efficient at utilizing the calories it consumes. By properly managing your diet and including exercise in your weight loss plan, you can effectively lose weight after the holidays.

Follow these five tips and you will be on your way to dropping some unwanted pounds. I know that losing weight on your own can be hard. Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone because I am here to help. If you’re ready to transform your life and become the healthiest version of yourself, schedule a discovery call with me so we can discuss what’s next for you.

By |2022-01-24T03:05:01+00:00December 29th, 2018|Fitness, Health, weight loss|Comments Off on 5 Tips To Lose Weight After The Holidays by FitDoc
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